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The next ICOM-CECA annual Conference will be held in Athens-Greece, from 18 to 22 November 2024

The general theme is “Delicate topics – Challenging audiences”. 
We’re going to focus on museum education activities that attempt to discuss complex and sensitive topics, activities that try to shed light on unknown aspects of cultural heritage and misinterpreted historical events, activities that aim at attracting new audiences or to welcome historically marginalized groups.
The aim of this conference is to promote exchange of ideas, expertise and best practices among museum education professionals from different cultural backgrounds and also to promote critical thinking regarding the difficulties encountered when exploring cultural heritage and artistic creation for the benefit of varied audiences.

The theme covers the following topics but is not limited to:

– Museum education as a tool for discussing complex issues:
Being a refugee, religious conflicts, poverty, multiple identities, traumatic memories, human rights, health issues, marginalized communities, endangered cultural heritage, natural environment at risk, challenges and threats of the virtual world, etc.

– Museum education as a vehicle for alternative interpretations:
Shedding light on hidden, unknown or misinterpreted aspects of material and intangible heritage or artistic creation. challenging mainstream interpretations and encouraging new glances on past and present historical events.

– Catering for the underserved communities and audiences:
Museum education initiatives that ensure accessibility and inclusivity, in the framework of a constantly changing social and cultural landscape. Innovative activities and educational material for historically underserved and marginalized audience groups (the elderly, people with disabilities, the mentally ill, the imprisoned, religious / ethnic or cultural minorities, immigrants, refugees, drug addicts, students requiring particular treatment, etc.).

The conference programme includes:

– Key note speeches,

– Presentations: Research papers (20′), Thematic papers(15′), Market of ideas (7′), Posters (in printed and digital format),

– CECA Special Interest Groups Workshops,

– Awards presentations and ceremony (Research Award, Best Practice Award, Young Members Network Award),

– Educational visits to museums with interactive activities,

– Archaeological heritage day trip outside Athens (November 22nd, optional – additional charge).

The conference will be held exclusively on site.
Part of the presentations might be offered on line or might be recorded and visible on YouTube.

The conference official languages are Greek and English.
Bilingual interpretation will be provided during the presentations sessions. Workshops and educational visits will be held mostly in English.

>>>Themes – programme – calendar

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