La formation NEMO “Who’s afraid of decolonisation ?” aura lieu le 16 septembre 2022 à Bristol, au Royaume-Uni.
Dear NEMO members,
We are thrilled to share the call for applications to an upcoming NEMO training on decolonisation in museums. The training “Who’s afraid of decolonisation?” will take place on 16 September 2022 in Bristol, the United Kingdom. It will be hosted by UK Museums Association, SS Great Britain and Bristol Museums.
Applications are welcome until 15 July. 8 people working at, or in other ways connected to, NEMO member organisations will be selected to take part in the training and will receive travel grants of 500-600 euro.
Apply by sending a letter of motivation (max 1 page), CV and proof of NEMO membership.
This one-day International Training Course will explore what decolonisation in museums means and will introduce you to some of the theories and practices which inform this work. It will be based in the city of Bristol in the UK, a place recently at the epicentre of the conversation between heritage, representation and the Black Lives Matter movement, providing a relevant backdrop to the issues that will be discussed.
Starting with an overview of decolonisation, the morning workshop will introduce you to the ways in which this work can be approached in a straightforward manner, while also not shying away from the inevitable controversies that it will bring. With evidence of good practice and thinking in this rich field the MA hopes to inspire you either to begin or continue your decolonisation work with confidence. The afternoon will include a behind-the-scenes tour of the M-Shed, where the statue of slaver Edward Colston which was thrown into the harbour during the BLM protests in 2020 is kept.
Find more information in the call for applications.
Best of wishes,
The NEMO office
NEMO – Network of European Museum Organisations
Karl-Marx-Platz 12
120 43 Berlin