Children in Museums Award 2022
Hands On! International & European Museum Academy are looking for exceptional and excellent children’s exhibition programmes for the Children in Museums Award 2022.
Applications are welcomed from children’s museums; from education, children’s and youth departments in museums; science centres; and from other cultural institutions with a particular emphasis on children’s programming. Museums may be long-established or recently opened. However, priority is given to programmes which display recent innovation. Candidates can compete as such or apply with a special (temporary) programme or exhibition. The project entered for the Award, however, must be current and open for viewing in the judging year, i.e. between 1 March and 30 June 2022.
There will be a pre-selection of shortlisted candidates published in advance of the Award meeting, details of which will follow later.
Entry fee
REGULAR: 295 €
MEMBERS: Hands On! International members will pay 225 €
The winner of our travelling Miffy trophy and a 5000€ cash prize sponsored by Mercis B.V. will be announced in the course of a festive evening event. Nominees will be named honorary ambassadors of the 21st Century Children Project co-funded by the European Union, as the represent best practice examples of future-oriented museum spaces for children.
The closing date for applications is 1 April 2022.